坐下並不總是有趣,但儘管如此,豆袋椅 使這個平凡的任務變得非常愉快!豆袋椅的設計符合人體工學;它們幫助您的學生保持良好的姿勢,同時使他們更容易接受學習。
Beanbags have proven popular in schools because when kids are comfortable, they tend to focus more on the task at hand. Fewer distractions mean more attention is paid to the teacher and therefore a child’s ability to learn increases.
Beanbags provide a consistent level of support to the majority of a child’s body, meaning students remain more comfortable than when using traditional chairs. The uniform pressure on the majority of the body provides a calming sense of security, and the beanbag will adapt to the child’s body as he or she moves.
Made from the finest quality Oxford woven Polyester, the seams of each bag are double stitched and over-locked.
The 1680D Polyester is PU coated, allowing it to be water repellent, yet soft on the skin, and unlike cheap nylon, the fabric breathes.
Our material is treated with antimicrobial protection to repel bacteria and mould
Fitted with childproof, locking YKK safety zippers.
All products feature carry handles making them easy to relocate from inside to outdoor areas.
We stock an extensive range of colours, and we maintain large quantities of stock.
The fabric is protected with an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UVPF) of fifty plus.
The woven polyester fabric is soft and comfortable, yet super tough.
Our range of beanbags has proven most famous, due to their bright, happy colours and trendy shapes.
Our beanbags are rated with a Colour Fastness to Light of Grade Six.
Our products have inner liners for easy filling and cleaning. Most of our products can be easily spot cleaned with antibacterial wipes or a damp sponge and mild detergent, or we can clean them for you.
We have twelve years of experience dealing with advertising schools and universities. We have a dedicated corporate sales team with extensive experience supplying education department throughout Australia.
We ship worldwide. Our factory can manufacture large quantities of custom beanbags very quickly.
並非所有豆袋都是一樣的 – 在為您的學校選擇合適的豆袋時,這裡有一些需要考慮的事項。請確保您不要購買乙烯基豆袋,因為這些可能與癌症有潛在聯繫。許多便宜的豆袋可能沒有防火等級。我們所有的戶外豆袋都是不易燃的,並符合AS3744.1-1998標準。
我們的產品以平裝方式運送,以降低運輸成本和環境影響。然而,如果需要當地填充服務,請在訂購時討論。Bean Bags R Us 自2011年以來一直是所有州和地區教育部門的驕傲供應商。我們一直在為學校、托兒中心、幼兒園、圖書館、地方政府和大學提供服務。