Bean bag seperti yang kita kenal sekarang adalah ikon gaya tahun 60-an & 70-an ketika kaum hippie merangkul kekuatan bunga, kaum beatnik berdiskusi tentang filsafat di kafe-kafe gelap, musik folk menduduki puncak tangga lagu, dan 'cinta bebas' tersedia untuk dinikmati.
Yang lain menelusuri asal-usul mereka kembali ke penduduk asli Amerika, yang menggunakan kandung kemih babi berisi kacang kering dalam permainan, dan sebagai alat pelatihan di Tiongkok kuno oleh siswa Tai Chi.
Perabotan lembut yang fleksibel ini bisa dibilang salah satu simbol paling dikenal dari masa-masa revolusioner tersebut, ketika budaya dan masyarakat berubah selamanya.
Beberapa sejarawan, bagaimanapun, percaya bahwa akar bean bag jauh lebih lama hingga ke Mesir Kuno. Legenda mengatakan bahwa jauh sebelum para desainer tahun enam puluhan menemukan ide tersebut, orang Mesir kuno sudah mendahului mereka. Sekitar dua ribu SM, orang Mesir menciptakan beberapa tas kecil berbentuk bundar menggunakan kulit. Pada masa itu pilihan isinya adalah beras, kerikil, atau kacang-kacangan. Orang Mesir menggunakannya untuk permainan serta tempat duduk dan mereka menjadi pilihan bagi para pemain sulap pertama di dunia.
Yang lain menelusuri asal-usul mereka kembali ke penduduk asli Amerika, yang menggunakan kandung kemih babi berisi kacang kering dalam permainan, dan sebagai alat pelatihan di Tiongkok kuno oleh siswa Tai Chi.
Penggunaan tas yang diisi dengan butiran styrofoam sebagai furnitur, bagaimanapun, dapat dipastikan dimulai pada tahun 1969. Bean bag adalah penemuan dari tiga desainer Italia terkenal, Piero Gatti, Cesare Paolini, dan Franco Teodoro. Mereka pertama kali diproduksi oleh perusahaan Italia Zanotta. Sejak diperkenalkan pada tahun 1969, bean bag telah dikenal secara global.
Perabot yang kini terkenal ini melambangkan tahun enam puluhan. Pemilik perusahaan memperhatikan staf duduk di atas tas-tas yang diisi dengan styrofoam saat istirahat minum kopi mereka. Kursi beanbag pertama diberi nama 'The Sacco', yaitu tas kulit berbentuk pir yang diisi dengan manik-manik styrofoam. The Sacco masih diproduksi hingga hari ini.
Satu hal yang pasti. Hari ini, beanbag kembali menjadi tren dengan sangat kuat dan menjadi favorit untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang chic dan stylish dengan tambahan kenyamanan yang luar biasa. Ditambah lagi, kain modern berarti bahwa bean bag hadir dalam berbagai bentuk, ukuran, dan bahan yang menakjubkan termasuk kulit, suede, korduroi, wol domba, bulu palsu, dan kanvas katun atau poliester tahan cuaca untuk di luar ruangan.
Kami memiliki tim komersial khusus yang bekerja dengan arsitek dan desainer interior pada proyek komersial seperti:
Kami bangga bekerja sama dengan desainer interior yang melengkapi Mater Prize Homes. Kami juga telah bekerja sama dengan desainer interior yang melengkapi Ronald McDonald House dan memasok bean bag desainer ke Kapal Pesiar P&O untuk area anak-anak mereka.
It should also be noted that we use only the highest-quality and specifications for our fabrics, which are UV 50+ protected, antimicrobial treated to avoid mould and mildew, water-resistant and vented for thorough drying – all the while being silky soft to your skin and refreshingly breathable.
These days there is a myriad of bean bag chairs styles available. You will find however that most bean bags chairs fit into one of the five categories outlined below
Long hours in front of the screen can place a lot of strain on the body unless your body has the full support of a custom designed gaming beanbag. We understand the needs of gamers and so we produced the Bermuda Triangle, a purpose-built beanbag that supports from the hips to the head, so no matter how long you're in the chair, you will always be comfortable.Bean Bag Interior Design
Round bean bags, often referred to as teardrop bean bag chairs are circular in design and appearance. When you hold one from the top, it resembles a teardrop. Teardrop bean bag chairs are the most commonly found bean bags and are suitable for most rooms in the house. Most round bean bags demand the occupant sits low in the chair and creating most support from the hips to the neck.
Depending on your environment a square beanbag or ottoman may prove to be the right solution. Whether you need a square chair with arms like the Big Bob or a square ottoman, our designers can create the perfect product for your needs.
Let our designers create a chair that is shaped like a bear or a tree, or even a bus. You've all seen the soccer ball beanbags, but it needn't stop there. Whatever you imagine, we can turn your concept into reality. Just ask the Cat in the Hat, a beanbag we produced for Harper Collins who own the Dr Suess franchise. These smart red and white printed kids beanbags were used to launch the most recent book from Dr Suess.
We are proud to work with the interior designers who fit out the Mater Prize Homes.
We have also worked with the interior designers who fit out Ronald McDonald House and supplied designer bean bags to P&O Cruise Ships for their kids’ area.
If you have a special project that involves children, then you probably need a kids bean bag.
Kids bean bags are traditionally smaller, ranging from 60cm in diameter to 94cm in diameter.
Additionally, we have a range of indoor and outdoor kids beanbag chairs, all of which are sold with removable inner liners for easy cleaning.
Teenagers are tough on just about everything, including furniture.
Our teen bean bags are found in schools and universities across the country. The double stitching with overlock keeps them together, whilst the removable inner liners make them easy to clean.
Teenagers like bean bags in the 94cm to 104cm diameter range.
Adults come in all different shapes and sizes and that's why we have a solution for just about everybody. Be it a chair, a lounge or a huge pillow, you'll find a designer beanbag that's right for you and your clients.
From public open spaces to shopping centres we work with stylists, interior designers and architects to provide unique, cost-effective seating solutions. Industry professionals appreciate the quality materials and workmanship that goes into every one of our products.
You can have a bean bag designed especially for your décor, or choose from over two hundred ready-made and stocked products. We have access to a vast array of indoor and outdoor fabrics that will compliment your project.
Options include embroidery, heat transfer printing, laser printing and sublimation. Depending on the quantities you require, we have a solution for you.
Everyone loves bean bags. They love looking at them, sitting on them, and feeling how comfortable they can be. After reading all the benefits of designer bean bags, you might think they would cost a fortune. But that’s not the case at all
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